Sensorless stator flux oriented control of IMS using a new Delayed-State KF-based algorithm

Salvatore N., Cascella G.L., Stasi S., Cascella D.

This paper appears in: Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2008. PESC 2008. IEEE
Issue Date: 15-19 June 2008
On page(s): 37 - 42
Location: Rhodes
ISSN: 0275-9306
Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-1667-7
INSPEC Accession Number: 10154839
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/PESC.2008.4591893
Date of Current Version: 08 August 2008



This paper proposes a new reduced delayed-state Kalman filter (DSKF) based algorithm to realize the speed-sensorless vector control of induction motor. This algorithm estimates the stator flux components in the stationary reference frame, using the derivatives of the stator flux components as mathematical model and the stator voltage equations as observation model. The DSKF-based algorithm accurately estimates the stator flux components in transient operations because the derivative of the absolute stator flux value is taken into account as a forcing term in the mathematical model, so that applications both in flux rising operations and in field weakening region are possible. The estimated stator flux components are used for stator field orientation control (SFOC) without rotor speed sensor. Experiments show that the sensorless control scheme using the new DSKF-based algorithm requires a low computational effort, is stable and effective also at low speeds.


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